Men's Night Out

November 11, 2022


    Open the eyes of my heart Lord

    Open the eyes of my heart

    I want to see you

    I want to see you


    To see you high and lifted up

    Shining in the light of Your glory

    Pour out Your power and love

    As we sing holy holy holy


    Holy holy holy

    Holy holy holy

    Holy holy holy

    I want to see you

    CCLI Song # 2298355

    License # 1908514

  • VERSE 1

    How deep the Father's love for us

    How vast beyond all measure

    That He should give his only Son

    To make a wretch His treasure

    How great the pain of searing loss

    The Father turns his face away

    As wounds which mar the Chosen One

    Bring many sons to glory

    VERSE 2

    Behold the Man upon a cross

    My sin upon His shoulders

    Ashamed I hear my mocking voice

    Call out among the scoffers

    It was my sin that held Him there

    Until it was accomplished

    His dying breath has brought me life

    I know that it is finished

    VERSE 3

    I will not boast in anything

    No gifts no pow'r no wisdon

    But I will boast in Jesus Christ

    His death and resurrection

    Why should I gain from His reward

    I cannot give an answer

    But this I know with all my heart

    His wounds have paid my ransom

    CCLI Song # 1558110

    License # 1908514

  • VERSE 1

    Amazing grace how sweet the sound

    That saved a wretch like me

    I once was lost but now I'm found

    Was blind but now I see

    VERSE 2

    'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

    And grace my fears relieved

    How precious did that grace appear

    The hour I first believed


    My chains are gone

    I've been set free

    My God my Savior has ransomed me

    And like a flood His mercy rains

    Unending love amazing grace

    VERSE 3

    The Lord has promised good to me

    His word my hope secures

    He will my shield and portion be

    As long as life endures

    VERSE 4

    The earth shall soon dissolve like snow

    The sun forbear to shine

    But God who called me here below

    Will be forever mine

    Will be forever mine

    You are forever mine

    CCLI Song # 4768151

    License # 1908514

  • You've turned my mourning into dancing Lord

    You've turned my sadness into joy

    Like no one else Lord

    You make my heart sing

    You turned my tears of sadness into joy

    Yeshua Messiah

    You turned my mourning into dancing

    Yeshua my Redeemer

    You turned my mourning into joy